Adam Haley, PhD

CONFERENCE TALK: Apocalyptic Imaginaries and the Aesthetics of Imminent End

Where dystopia in fiction and film typically suggests itself as a kind of anti-aesthetic space, the possibilities of beauty and imagination having been expunged by some constricting totality, contemporary apocalyptic narratives often fixate on aesthetic possibility over and against a landscape that seems to foreclose it.

CONFERENCE TALK: It’s the End of the World, But Not As We Know It: Means, Ends, and Beginnings in the Ideology of Apocalypse

What if the end by which we’ve been so captivated were to confront us in its utter inscrutability? What if the violent eruption we’ve feared and desired for so long—an eruption that poststructuralism tells us is not a transgression of the system but an inevitable product of it and its very condition of possibility—were to surpass the boundaries of our imaginations, the boundaries of our ideologically directed constructions of it?