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    paradigm shift proposal

    2012 - 11.10

    First, please look over the paradigm shift assignment carefully.  Then, in a paragraph or two, tell me the following:


    • *First and foremost, what is the anomaly you’ll be focusing on?
    • *How are you going to sell it as not just something new and interesting but as an anomaly that will produce a paradigm shift?
    • *In a sentence or two, what are the dominant paradigms that couldn’t have accounted for this anomaly, and which it will disrupt?
    • *What kinds of research might you use to back your paper up?


    Due in class, Monday, November 12th.

    manifesto proposal

    2012 - 10.21

    Please reread the manifesto assignment first.  Then, in one or two solid paragraphs, articulate the following:


    • *What is the general subject of your manifesto?
    • *What is the consensus on that subject, against which you are rebelling?
    • *What are the new principles you are going to declare and articulate, to alter the course of the phenomenon in question?
    • *What are you going to do at the level of form/tone/style/genre/etc. to make your manifesto stand out and cut through the status quo discourse on this subject?  If you are the sandwich-board-toting guy on the corner, what does your sandwich board look like?


    Due in class, Monday, October 22nd.

    investigative report assignment proposal

    2012 - 10.01

    In one or two solid paragraphs, please articulate the following:


    • *What is the development or phenomenon you are investigating?
    • *What is its relevance to the future?
    • *What is your research/investigation plan?  What kinds of sources might you cite (interviews, existing news articles, statistical data, websites)?
    • *Who is your audience?
    • *Name a particular element/technique/style from one of the pieces we’ve read in this unit and explain how it might inspire your own work.


    Due in class, Friday, October 5th.