Adam Haley, PhD

CONFERENCE TALK: I Sing the Body Comic: Breaking the Skinned Surfaces of Empaneled Corporeality

How do the interplay of surface and depth in sequential art—the static image whose depths are revealed or implied in juxtaposition, sequencing, and textual accompaniment—render a theory of the body, and of the relationship between the body’s inside and outside? How does the human body in graphic narratives function as a site for boundary-crossings between insides and outsides of all kinds—not just skin and viscera, but publics and privates, revelations and secrets, the presented and the withheld?

Lynd Ward Prize

Under the auspices of PSU Libraries and the Pennsylvania Center for the Book, I served as the chair of the selection jury for the 2013 Lynd Ward Graphic Novel Prize, “presented annually to the best graphic novel, fiction or non-fiction, published in the previous calendar year by a living U.S. or Canadian citizen or resident.

ENGL 136: Comics

I aim for you to leave this class with a handle on why comics are far from the trivial, adolescent timesuck others often assume them to be—indeed, why they have been one of the most vital and interesting forms of cultural production over the last century.